Polaized Stress Viewer PSV-202


Equipment Application

Polarized light principle is adopted to observe and analyze the intermal stress of transparenent glass and plastic products,which is effective to measure product stress timely,to ensure and impore the product quality.

Application area

Suitable for checking transparent lighting tubes, solar glass, plastic bottle blanks, glass crafts, sapphire,automobile glass,etc.

Equipment Features

The equipment can observe the internal stress distribution of transparent glass and plastic through the display of different colors, then can analyze the intemal stress situation intuitively and futher analyze the intemal quality products.


Technical  Parameter
Polarization analyzerDiameter 100mm
Polarizer200 * 200mm
Measuring height233mm
Light sourceLED light

上一篇:Chemically tempered glass surface stress

下一篇:Handheld Stress Viewer PSV-202-D(L)

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